Thursday, May 28, 2009

from the grave

At last, some accomplishments since the Bazaar. The first was a commissioned piece to commemorate the passing of a dear friend who liked to break into the stockpiles of Valentine Candy at his sitter's house.

pixel 3

pixel 2

The pattern (very cool, thanks HeartStrings geniuses) was for a perky-eared bunny so his lops are lopsided since I had to improvise. The head and body are made from one solid square of knitting pinned and sewn into limbs. This could have been a fun and delightsome project but I did while marathon-watching The Wire. Fuzzy cuddlebunnies are no match for the ruthless Marlo Stanfield.

NEXT I was feeling both restless and lazy and wanted just a fun no-brainer project. So I pulled out some Wal-Mart yarn (bought during a crazed last-minute project frenzy of which I'd ended up using 0%) and just went to town. This was also my first try at the popcorn stitch. Magically, it turned out to be one of the cutest things I've ever done. At work during lunch break my yogurt puffed as it was opening and splatted a little on the ghostie's head. As a result, I have named this one "Red Die number 40."

ghost of the junk mail

wurlitzer ghost


  1. oh my goodness.. i love the ghost. was there a pattern for that?

  2. Not exactly. He was supposed to be a sphere but i realized it was getting to big so i made him a cylander dome. Just increase increase increase in the round till he's the width you like, then go to town on the length. And that's a popcorn stitch around the base:
